
HIBAR Research Alliance participants share the vision of an improved research and innovation ecosystem that better contributes to solving society’s critical problems.


The mission of the HIBAR Research Alliance is to catalyze significant expansion of collaboration between university-based researchers and non-academic researchers and practitioners, working together on projects with shared decision-making, so that those integrative and responsive projects will both discover new knowledge and greatly accelerate progress toward solving society’s critical problems.


The HRA has an established goal of catalyzing a university system-wide increase in the quality and quantity of Highly Integrative Basic And Responsive (HIBAR) research projects, from about one project in 20 in 2020, to one in 5 by 2030. This change will enable universities can become more responsive to the needs of society while strengthening their basic research excellence.

Increasing the number of HIBAR research projects in this way requires a key shift in the culture of the university system: Incentives in the academic system today are not ideally aligned with HIBAR research and the academic culture within universities needs to adapt in order for the HRA’s mission to be achieved. It is essential that these changes in academic culture are made in such a way that they also strengthen the commitment to research excellence and academic freedom. Carefully managed, this change is realistic and achievable.