Collaborative Action Groups

Most activities of the HRA are conducted by small, focused working groups comprised of people from universities and non-university organizations. In particular, Collaborative Action Groups (CAGs) of 10-20 people undertake activities needed to implement the cultural and structural changes necessary for a substantial increase in the quantity and quality of HIBAR research projects.

Current working groups are focusing on these topics:

Making Changes in Academic Incentive Systems to Encourage HIBAR Research: The Collaborative Action Group on Academic Incentive Systems focuses on encouraging academic incentive systems, specifically with regard to promotion and tenure processes, to adapt as needed to encourage more and better HIBAR research so that the university can better accomplish its social contract with its stakeholders.

Facilitating HIBAR Research Across Disciplines and Sectors: The activities of this Collaborative Action Group are aimed at helping to catalyze the creation of new HIBAR research projects and to promote collaborations across the academic disciplines.

Cross-Organizational Cooperation: This Collaborative Action Group leads cooperative efforts between the HRA and related organizations by identifying key partners and developing the relationships needed to build mutually-beneficial partnerships.

Building Awareness and Understanding of HIBAR Research: This Collaborative Action Group aims to build widespread awareness, understanding and appreciation of the value of HIBAR research among a wide range of audiences.

Metrics and Assessment of HIBAR Research: Many of our recent HRA discussions have highlighted the need for identifying, quantifying, and tracking the number and quality of HIBAR projects, as well as accurately measuring their societal and scholarly value. This Collaborative Action Group focuses on metrics and assessment.

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