Building awareness and understanding of HIBAR research and the HRA

  • Suggest an exemplary HIBAR project that we can showcase on our website.
  • Suggest an HIBAR-related item that we can share via our newsletter.
  • Join one of our related task groups (video development, website, HIBAR success stories, communication resources).
  • Share a link to our website on your website (for example, via a blog post).
  • Suggest any HIBAR-relevant conferences or events that we should attend or participate in.
  • Help us to connect with people outside of the university system – for example, individuals who have participated in HIBAR projects within government laboratories or agencies, industry, or non-profit organizations.
  • Let us know about your research collaborations and describe the importance of co-leadership to this work.
  • Join our “Building Awareness” Collaborative Action Group.