Actions related to making changes in the academic incentive system

  • Read our “Making changes” discussion paper and let us know your thoughts.
  • Share our “Making changes” discussion paper with your colleagues.
  • Help us to connect with other initiatives that are working to change the academic incentive system.
  • Let us know of any journals or publications that emphasize the societal impacts of research.
  • Let us know of any specific issues of journals that focus on topics of societal importance.
  • Review the policies regarding promotion and tenure for your organization for language that describes how societal impact is valued, and share the language with us.
  • Review the accreditation standards guidelines for your organization for language that describes how societal impact is valued, and share the language with us.
  • Encourage tenured senior professors to actively partner with junior faculty members on HIBAR projects.
  • Express your support for improving the ways in which research output is evaluated by signing on to the Declaration on Research Assessment (
  • Join our “Incentivizing HIBAR” Collaborative Action Group.
  • Encourage discussion of impact in reviews and decision letters.
  • Help to educate reviewers about the importance of HIBAR research to your field.
  • Ensure inclusion on every committee of at least one person who is familiar with and values HIBAR research.
  • Check the promotion and tenure guidelines at your university to ensure that they describe that scholarly work focused on having impact will be recognized and valued.
  • Ensure that there is a specific place in the documentation prepared by the candidate where research impact can be explicitly described.
  • Encourage departments or schools to expand the number of allowed review letters, so that candidates don’t have to sacrifice a basic research review in favor of an impact review.