HIBAR Research Alliance Fellows
In 2020, the HIBAR Research Alliance established the HRA Fellows program, to recognize individuals who make multiple, significant, sustained contributions to the leadership and/or development of the Alliance.
The HRA Governing Council has conferred this designation on five highly deserving contributors:
Scott Slovic (June 2020)
Marc-David L. Seidel (June 2020)
Gretchen Jordan (September 2021)
Lyle Schwartz (September 2021)
Wesley Patrick (October 2024)
We are grateful to these HRA Fellows for their many valuable contributions toward first launching, and now leading, the HIBAR Research Alliance.
Marc-David L. Seidel
Marc-David L. Seidel is the RBC Financial Group Professor of Entrepreneurship, Director of the W. Maurice Young Centre for Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Research, and Associate Professor of OBHR at the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia.
Scott Slovic
Scott Slovic is a Distinguished Professor of Environmental Humanities Emeritus at the University of Idaho, and a Senior Scientist at the Oregon Research Institute in Eugene.
A brief interview with Scott Slovic
Gretchen Jordon
Gretchen Jordan is an independent consultant who has worked in evaluation of research and technology development programs and organizations for more than 25 years. She retired as a Principal Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories in 2011. She was the co-editor of the journal Research Evaluation from 2008 to 2015 and has a Ph.D. in Economics.
Lyle Schwartz
Lyle Schwartz is a professor in the Institute for Advanced Discovery & Innovation at the University of South Florida and retired director of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. He was professor of materials science and engineering at Northwestern University for 20 years and director of Northwestern’s Materials Research Center for five of those years.
Wesley Patrick
Wesley (Wes) Patrick is a Technical Advisor at Southwest Research Institute® (SwRI®), one of the oldest and largest independent nonprofit research and development organizations in the nation. Prior to his retirement, he was Executive Director, Geosciences and Engineering Department, which includes the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRA).